
Star wars battlefront walker assault maps
Star wars battlefront walker assault maps

star wars battlefront walker assault maps

  • Decreased main projectile Explosion damage from 45 to 38.
  • Increased Roar recharge time from 28 to 35 seconds.
  • Reduced Microgrenades radius from 5 to 4 meters.
  • Reduced Microgrenades inner radius from 3 to 2.5 meters.
  • This doesn’t apply to specific stuns like Force Choke and Force Push
  • Most stuns will be prevented for 2 seconds after a Hero has been stunned once.
  • A-180: Fixed a rare bug where users could be spawned with their regular Star Card primary hand instead of the A-180 module.
  • TIE Striker: Increased explosion damage from 5 to 10.
  • TIE Striker: Raised projectile speed from 800 to 1000 meters/second.
  • Sonic Imploder: Increased explosion damage from 90 to 100.
  • Sonic Imploder: Increased blast radius from 2 to 4 meters.
  • Sonic Imploder: Fixed criteria for Grenadier Hutt contract regarding the Flash requirement.
  • Private Match: Fixed an end of round issue on Infiltration where the U-wing didn’t spawn if switching teams in a 1v1 match.
  • Battle Station: R2-D2 ignores benefits from Bacta Bomb and Medical Droid.
  • Hero Hunt: Fixed a bug with the Hero selection screen.
  • Infiltration: Fixed an issue where users could not grab another Data tape after using the Jump Pack.
  • Infiltration: Adjusted playable area during The Approach.
  • star wars battlefront walker assault maps

    Walker Assault: Adjusted AT-AT speed on Twilight on Hoth.Walker Assault: Adjusted AT-AT health across all maps.

    star wars battlefront walker assault maps

    Walker Assault: Changed Y-wing timer to 30 seconds on Rogue One: Scarif maps.Walker Assault: Adjusted all Hero spawn points on Rogue One: Scarif maps.Walker Assault: Fixed a bug where three uplinks could be seen at the same time on Rogue One: Scarif maps.General: Various minor art updates on Rogue One: Scarif maps.Maggiori dettagli li trovate nel changelog completo. L’update ha il peso di 2.2 GB e aggiusta diversi bug e migliora il bilanciamento generale di personaggi e armi. DICE ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento di Star Wars: Battlefront.

    Star wars battlefront walker assault maps